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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Plight of public secror

I'm expecting that angry mobs of disgruntled nurses will soon be launching protests at Westminster shortly. They are reportedly one of many the public sector workers due to receive low pay rises this year, including doctors who will receive a 0% rise and dentists who will, like the nurses receive 2%. The figure is bellow the rate of inflation, which will make living costs harder to meet . Comparisons are now being drawn in the headlines between the forces, whom are due to receive the highest pay rise. I don't see this as a very fair comparison however, as both professions are worlds apart.

Although the pay rise for the nurses is an abomination for those struggling hardest to make ends meet, our armed forces are risking their lives serving in an overstretched military , with insufficient equipment in most cases. I think that they deserve their pay increase. It is a pity that nursing staff have not also received adequate reward for their hard work.

If industrial action does take place I hope those in Westminster will take note. Britain cannot afford to lose such diligent and hard-working members of its workforce without it costing greatly. This issue should also be at the focus of the general public, instead of mundane dilemmas such as school catchment areas.

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