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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Press have gag removed over cash-for-honours

well now... today the gag on one of this years biggest political scandals thus far has been lifted. The Guardian has now published information which has previously been stifled by a gagging order over the last few days. The 'cash for honours' story has ran and ran for almost a year now, and it seems to me could now be drawing to a close. But who is 'leaking' the information to the press, and why? I have a few ideas:
  • Downing street. Perhaps somebody is a little concerned by goings-on which are not strictly 'ethical'.
  • The Met. Perhaps their investigation had reached a dead end, a leak to the media could have been just the thing to stir-up lines of inquiry for them?
  • A press informant, who has infiltrated the inner-circle. Less likely I think, but a possibility.

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