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Monday, March 19, 2007

Labour allegedly rushes adoption legislation

The labour party is being criticized for allegedly rushing through legislation regarding gay equality laws that could allow gay couples to adopt through Catholic adoption agencies in the UK. (BBC)

I am surprised that the Tory party are doing the criticizing however, as they appear to be all-for equal rights the majority of the time.

I think that in trying to pass the legislation Labour are taking brave strides towards a better future for UK adoption, and a better future with equal opportunities for everyone. They are taking the risk of losing many voters on this issue, but have the wits to realize that they are also making political history.

This is an unusual, and difficult situation, but I feel that the most important thing for either side to remember is that the children in care desperately need loving homes. If the Catholic church dig their heels in, and close down their agencies, they will make it harder for children in need to find adoptive parents of any sexuality, however if they remain open and refuse to place children with same-sex families they will face breaking equality laws.

I think that a compromise must be reached in this complex situation. It is reported that church and government are trying to achieve one, but I just hope that the agencies will stay open, and that a middle-ground can be found for the sake of the children.

We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot agree with you on this point.What about the rights of the Catholic Church to choose where they wish to place their children?Children need a balanced home with a mother and a father.It is not physically possible for 2 men or 2 women to produce a child and nature has a good reason for this.More importantly what about the rights of the child?Should they not be entitled to the balance of a Mother and a Father instead of being forced to run the risk of an unhappy childhood facing taunts and ridicule and possible bullying all through their school life?We are living in a trendily pc society without any real thought being given as to where all these ridiculous notions will lead to in the future.