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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Beeb's unethical treatment of MP Galloway

MP George Galloway’s interview on the BBC lunchtime news today left me astonished. An anti-war campaigner and somewhat of an interesting character, MP Galloway has hit the headlines for taking part in a music video in aid of the anti-war movement. However his interview broadcast on the BBC lunchtime news today appeared to be an entirely shameless construction, intent on ridiculing him.

Having been asked in somewhat of a patronising manner why he had taken part in the video, he responded by explaining that he simply wanted to highlight his cause. He was then about his time in the Channel 4 Big Brother house pretending to be a cat (a clip of Galloway fooling around ensues at this point). A question which appeared to deviate entirely from the issue. He retorted exasperatedly that his taking part was exclusively "in aid of raising money for charity." He also twice attempted to make reference to how ‘rare’ it was for him to be broadcast on the BBC (this comment was side-stepped entirely. Twice.) He also commented on how disappointed he was that the interview was not “taken very seriously”. At which point I feel he was shut up as the interview was hurriedly terminated. I think that the treatment Galloway received in this interview today was entirely unethical and unprofessional. I have not seen it broadcast again today for some reason. (Hmm) Galloway is mentioned briefly on the website; however access to the interview is not available.

Whatever happened to the beebs crusade for freedom of speech? I think at the very least interviewees should be permitted an independent voice during an interview, regardless of whether or not the broadcasters happen to agree or not!, (in the exception of using offensive language or racism).

Please leave me any comments or thoughts on this issue; hopefully someone else also viewed the interview this lunchtime.

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