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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blair breaks silence on Iran's seizure of Navy personal

He announced today :

However, it has taken rather a long time for him to speak out in the defense of the Navy personnel involved. I think a possible explanation is that the government have been trying to get to the bottom of what happened. Only yesterday it was reported that the personnel l had 'confessed' to straying into Iranian territory. However I'm unsure how accurate this information is, as it has been reported by some very vague Iranian sources.

However, 1. what if HMS Cornwall had strayed into Iranian waters, deliberately? And 2. what if Blair is lying about what he knows? If he is he could be playing a very dangerous game with those involved, of that we can be certain. Finally 3., what are the repercussions of this event?

  • An increased case for military action against Iran by the US and UK?
  • Further strained relations between the government and Nato?
  • A uniting of Nato countries against Iran, resulting in an attack?
  • Assassination of the Navy personnel by Iran?
This issue throws up many worrying questions, the answers of which I am sure will continue to allude us for sometime.

1 comment:

Laugher said...

Good guesses. You've got a few good points there. Plus, I think your first guess seems to be the most probable one at the moment. Let's look into your othert guesses very briefly. Iran won't dare touch the troops. On the other hand, the NATO countries don't seem to be united enough at the moment to make a harmonious move against the Iranian regime. However, it is still a bit too soon to assess the situation. Don't forget it all is a part of Iran's political games to distract the free world from it's development of nuclear facilities and its support for terror & curroption in Iraq. Keep up the good work.