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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

PR stunt, or bad hair day?

(Getty Images)
As discussed yesterday, David Cameron is proving to be an unlikely ally of Tony Blair of late, over the Trident debate. But now what seems to interest everyone is how his hair is parted...Ok, (!) now that is a huge political development isn't it everyone?

The guardian carried these images in an article which examined the moving of Camerons's parting and the possibly of it being linked to Cameron's political alignments, hinting that he may be 'moving to the left'.

However I do think that this was a deliberate PR stunt by David Cameron, which the media fell for, hook-line and sinker! What a sense of humour this guy has! If it wasn't a PR stunt I think that its significance is not as large as what he actually said today:

"Renewing Trident is in the national interest". This is huge. And could loss the party a few voters. This is much more of an important issue in my opinion.

His words also indicate that his reason for siding with Tony Blair was primarily focused on the issue at hand does it not? I cannot see Cameron switching to the left over-night somehow.

Or perhaps the parting switched sides because ...(shock!) he was just having a bad hair day, like the rest of us mere mortals?

Oh, and the result of the debate? As I predicted, it seems Trident is going ahead, without the support of many labour MPs, Or the public.

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