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Sunday, March 4, 2007

Public uneasy regarding fingerprinting plans

"Leave them kids alone" is a campaign group set up by concerned parents in Britain who oppose the fingerprinting of children at school without parental consent. An interesting, and somewhat pro-active attempt by parents to stand up for the rights of their children by lobbying MPs with petitions in order to secure the privacy of their kids. However this weekend The Times reported that a leaked home office document contained details of yet another plan to begin "mass fingerprinting" of children, geared to commence in 2010. To my horror, (And probably that of campaigners) it would see the fingerprints of UK children stored on a 'secret' database when child passports are applied for. It seems to me that the government is hell-bent on invading the privacy of our children, regardless of how parents and campaigners feel about child fingerprinting.

I think that the plans are a ridiculous idea, extremely unnecessary, and will also raise the cost of children's passports. The security of the prints could also be at risk, in my opinion, and is something which the children in question are too young to contemplate. The potential fall-out from the plans going amiss is too awful to imagine, and could affect the future of the children in question.

However, it is insisted by supporters that this is for the good of the public. What does everyone else think about this? Please leave your comments

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