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Sunday, March 11, 2007

64 out of 100 labour MPS against Trident system

(Image by Peter Brooke timesonline)

I think its fair to say that Tony Blair is facing a crisis in his own party now that the BBC have revealed that 64 out of 100 labour MPs are opposing plans to renew the Trident 'nuclear deterrent system'.

Defence secretary Des Bowne has until Wednesday to persuade MPs to vote for its renewal, although some MPs are less than likely to change their minds, one MP, Jim Devine is even threatening to resign if the plans go ahead. If his resignation were to occur the ensuing media circus could severely knock the party into turmoil.

This makes me wonder why a party leader and PM would go against his own MPs on an issue that is clearly causing such stubborn opposition, particularly in Scotland, where the current system is situated.

Des Brown has stated the government's reason for the decision is linked to Nato commitments. Ah. I see. Our government is committed to Nato. BUT WHY? if Nato countries are unwilling to commit to assisting other allied countries, (like ours) in Afghanistan? Of course, there is a country which is also committed to Nato, and fighting in Afghanistan, America! So is the real reason for renewing the trident system linked to our commitments to Nato...or just America?

I think its time Tony Blair and Des Browne listened to the rest of the party, and acted with a little more transparency. It would give the party a little credibility.

1 comment:

Auri Aittokallio said...

I agree with what you said about Tony Blair and Des Browne's real intentions for wanting to renew Britains nuclear Trident system. It also seems that tony Blair is trying to make a record as the PM who pushed through the most legislations with the support of the opposing party while members of his own party rebelled.