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Friday, March 2, 2007

Menzies 1st year (at the bottom)

Sir Menzies Campbell's first year at the head of the Lib Dems passed quietly today but not unnoticed. Firstly I think there appears to be a definite drop in his popularity, which has probably been highlighted by his leadership anniversary. This evening's broadcast of the BBC's Newsnight revealed that it had conducted a poll which could demonstrate this. Also his party's very own magazine, "The Liberal" carried comments from its editor calling Sir Menzies 'unconvincing'.
This decline in support, I think, has potential to knock the leader's confidence as rising stars in the party such as Simon Hughes, and Nick Clegg are basking in the media lime-light. If the party is going gain any ground at all on the Tories, I think they will need to do it without Campbell. I see little point in the party's talented MPs taking a back seat behind a flagging leader. The opposition are pulling out all the stops, and if the Lib dems are not careful they will sink further behind and out of the public eye completely.

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