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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Squash your opponent!

Politics today seems very like a game of squash - a ball is batted backwards and forwards by two players desperate to win; Then it becomes increasingly aggressive as each strives to return the ball harder, to knock the other's position.

Today the local elections began in England, and it was mainly an array of policies which were batted around, with increasing aggression.

The Lib Dems appeared desperate to hit labour hard, striving to gain power they attacked the party scoring a double whammy by also smacking the conservative party in the face: "reject labour, and its mimics." They urged voters.

I'm sure David Cameron could think of nothing worse than to have his party accused (once again) of mimicking labour today.

The labour campaign launch was less aggressive, and slightly more low-key after Gordon Brown was 'exposed' this week of knowingly building up a pensions crisis. They chose to focus mainly on the public sector and crime reduction.

The Tories are perhaps playing a slightly more secretive game, as their campaign hasn't been unveiled yet...