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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Where is the love?

One thing that intrigues me about David Cameron this week is his insistence that all todays' youth need to keep them from turning bad is... love. I find this difficult to absorb. Images and stories concerning 'that' hooded menace photographed jeering Cameron this week (see Guardian coverage) make me wonder if Cameron might be feeling a little... daft. Of course the Tory official line is that the photographs serve to strengthen Camerons' points about parental responsibility, and the need for two parent families to care for children in a loving manner. I think Cameron will hold on to this point until the bitter end, I see his stubbornness that all we need is love as quite puzzling, yet inspiring. I think Cameron is a great guy, possibly a guy who could persuade me to (gulp!) vote Tory. But is this the right approach for fighting crime? I'll give Cameron something, it is original!

I see this is another instance of the contrast between both Tony Blair and Cameron when it comes to crime. Labour's hard-line approach to street and gun crime this week stuck me as a little media-driven to say the least. Or perhaps I am being a little hasty? It doesn't seem to me that violence on the streets of London is something unusual, only today I walked passed a group of 'hoodies' in my area of West London. One girl was carrying a samurai sword. But this did not seem to spark much attention on todays' busy Saturday afternoon. Now that was one 'hoodie' I certainly wouldn't hug. Several things worry me about that girl. Firstly, the fact that she was a girl. This bothers me, as I am now beginning to realize that more and more girls are becoming involved in street crime. The second thing which concerned me, was the lack of attention this attracted. Why are people so eager to distance themselves from such things? Do we now live in fear of these gangs who are little more than children?

BBC 4 aired an insightful interview with a girl prosecuted for gun crime today, which delves a little deeper than my comments.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With reference to the question....why was this girl ignored....We live in a society where if this girl was challenged by any decent person then they would probably find themselves arrested on some ludicrous trumped up charged and she would end up with a load of compensation for her traumatic experience!!!!!!