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Monday, February 26, 2007

Politicians and the public's right to scrutinise them.

Peter Hain has condemned Rory Bremners duping of Margaret Beckett, and accused him of "spreading cynicism and embitterment about politicians" after Bremner released the transcript of his Gordon Brown impersonation this weekend.


The impersonation led to Margaret Beckett talking to Brown (aka Bremner in disguise) about her colleagues. This stunt has made me like the cheeky comedian more than ever. I feel that Bremner has injected a little humour into the world of politics, which lets face it, could do with a few more 'light' moments, what with the very serious discussions concerning Afghanistan, a US plot to attack Iran, and the leadership contest.

Whether you are a fan of Margaret Becket or not, her failure to recognise Bremner's prank highlights a valuable lesson for us all; unless you are prepared to stand by your opinions, keep them to your self. Politicians must accept that they are at the mercy of public scrutiny, and prepared for the possible fall-out caused their actions.

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